This Monday we are hopefully starting a new athletic tradition at Highroad: a RED OUT! Both of our senior volleyball teams will be competing on our home court. We do not host many games so when we get to, we would love to make it a significant event: for those who come as fans and for our players.

If you have the evening free, come cheer for the senior volleyball Knights! Wear RED! Temporarily colour your hair RED! Maybe some RED face paint! Having someone see red usually means something else, but we would love for our opponents to see RED because the Knights have excellent fans!

6:00 PM – Senior Boys vs. Sardis
7:30 PM – Senior Girls vs. Unity

Athletic Fees – Part 2

Thank you to all who have paid your athletic fees for the fall season. If you have not done so, please complete the permission form and make your payment through the school store. While the fee helps cover the costs we incur running athletic teams, the form also provides a shirt size which we use to purchase a Knight clothing item for our athletes. Without the fee being paid, your athlete will not get the clothing item.

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