Basketball Season

As volleyball season winds down, basketball season is kicking off. A few practices have been held and it has been good to hear some different ball noises coming from the gym. If you have a son or daughter who is interested in playing, please contact Shawn Krahn ( Thanks!


Most of our volleyball teams have come to the end of their seasons. The grade 7 girls are playing at the Christian Schools tournament on November 15th. It will be at Lions Gate Christian in North Vancouver and will be held during the school day. Lions Gate does not have a large gym but it would be amazing if these girls had some fans supporting them. With the large size of our team, we will be splitting into two teams for competition. Huge thanks to Coach Brian and Team Sponsor Natahsa!

The senior teams have significant playoff games this next week! Credo is hosting the EVAA Single A Volleyball Championships and both teams start with a game on Monday, November 13th. The boys get it started at 6:00 PM when they play Unity. The winner is guaranteed a spot in the provincial championship. And at 7:30 PM, the senior girls play against Credo. Due to the number of teams that were registered for the season, the senior girls face a tougher task to get to provincials.

We would love to have your support on Monday when we play at Credo!

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